Wareham Fire District

Working for You Everyday Since 1907

Water Department

Wareham’s water originates from seven gravel packed wells within the Plymouth-Carver sole source aquifer.  Each well is drilled to a depth of 60-90 feet.  The wells are located in isolated areas of Maple Springs and Seawood Springs.  We work hard to protect these wells from potential contamination.  You can be assured that the Board of Water Commissioners considers protection of the well fields as their top priority.

Also included in our water system are two corrosion control facilities, three water storage towers, 1254 hydrants and approximately 165 miles of water main.  For corrosion control and pH adjustment we add lime (calcium hydroxide) to increase the lower raw water pH to between 7.0 and 8.0 in the finished treated water you receive. Low dose of Sodium Hypochlorite is added at the wellfields as a disinfectant for control of potentially harmful bacteria such as E-Coli and fecal coliform.

Wareham Water Department
2550 Cranberry Highway
Wareham, MA  02571

Andy Cunningham, Superintendent
Shayne Lydon, Operations Supervisor

Board of Water Commissioners:

Edward J. Tamagini, III

John B. English, III

Richard England